Creative competition (physical training test) is a form of entrance examination for admission to obtain the degree of junior bachelor, bachelor on the basis of complete general secondary education, which involves testing and assessing the creative and / or physical abilities of the entrant.
For entrants to the budget, creative competitions are held in several streams from 01 to 13 July 2021 inclusive, according to the schedules approved by the rules of admission of the institution of higher education that conducts creative competitions.
In the period from 14 to 23 July, the institution of higher education may hold additional sessions of creative competitions for entrants who enter places of study at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities (contract).
Mechanisms for registration for creative competitions, dates and times of creative competitions are determined by higher education institutions and published on the official website of the educational institution.
Persons who have completed general secondary education or complete it by July 10, 2021, which is confirmed by the relevant document or certificate of the secondary education institution, have the right to participate in creative competitions.
Creative competitions are held when entering the specialty:
Architecture and urban planning
Audiovisual art and production
Design (specialization “Graphic Design”)
Design (specialization “Clothing design (footwear)”)
Design (specialization “Environmental Design”)
Design (specialization “Industrial Design”)
Musical art
Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration
Performing arts
Physical culture and sports
Tests on physical training (in higher military educational institutions (higher education institutions with specific training conditions), military educational units of higher education institutions) are conducted upon admission to the specialty:
State border security;
Military administration (by type of armed forces);
State security;
Provision of troops (forces);
National security (by certain areas of security and activities);
Weapons and military equipment;
Fire safety
Law enforcement activities