In recent years, there has been a clear trend to increase the area under soybean crops. However, it is possible to state a rather low level of crop yield, when the realization of the genetic potential of productivity of its modern varieties in production conditions is 50% or less.
The reason for this is primarily in the violation of the technological process of crop production by farmers and the lack of clear scientifically sound recommendations on cultivation technology, the report said.
It should be noted that the cultivation of new varieties, zoned for the Western Forest-Steppe, is a very important element of technology, as it creates the possibility of maximizing the genetic potential of varieties.
This factor is important because soybeans are short-day crops, i.e. to move to the productive stage of development it needs the appropriate ratio of periods of light and heat.
Therefore, it is very responsive to the length of the day. Thus, varieties of late-ripening group bloom at a day length of 12–14 h, medium-ripening – 17–18 h. The group of ultra-early and early-ripening varieties is more versatile and neutral to the length of daylight, they bloom even in continuous light.
However, when growing soybeans should not be limited to varieties of one maturity group, because a stable yield is still obtained when growing at least two varieties of different maturity groups.