For decades, we have been told to limit salt for the sake of our heart and blood pressure.
Kyiv. Ukraine. Ukraine Gate – 1 , november , 2021 , health
But moderation and salt restriction are two different things. The anti-salt campaign blurs the idea of what salt actually does for us, informs Ukr.Media. Salt consists of sodium chloride. Sodium is an important mineral, “essential”, which means that we must consume it with food, because our body can not synthesize it. Sodium performs many vital functions in the body. What role does sodium play? Sodium is an important macromineral that performs important functions in the body, including, but not limited
Electrolyte balance; Extracellular fluid
volume balance; Blood pressure; Membrane potential; Nerve transmission; Muscle contraction; Cardiac and renal function; Absorption and transportation of nutrients. What happens when we do not get the right salt When we lack salt, the brain increases sensitivity to the reward system. When we eat salt, it causes more pleasure than usual, which leads to increased salt intake
This internal reward system, designed
to save our lives from salt deficiency, can inadvertently contribute to weight gain and even obesity. How much salt do we need The National Academy of Medicine has set the daily sodium intake for adults at 1,500 mg per day. This is 3.8 grams of sodium chloride (salt) per day. Because sodium is about 40 percent salt. How salt deficiency affects weight Eating the salt your body craves can be a simple strategy to reduce your intake and possibly even your need for sugar and refined carbohydrates
A standard salt intake (about one and a half teaspoons of salt a day) can help maintain normal insulin levels
source : Ukrgate
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