These 4 foods effectively make up for vitamin D deficiency. Certain foods can help make up for vitamin D deficiency.
In winter, the risk of developing vitamin D deficiency becomes particularly significant,
Ukraine , Ukraingate , 7 , January , 2022 | Medicine
Many people in the cold season complain of fatigue, back pain, general malaise – symptoms that may be due to lack of vitamin D. This mineral is one of the most important, protecting the human body from muscle and bone damage and supporting active work immune system.
Products to make up for vitamin D deficiency
To avoid a deficiency of the so-called “solar” vitamin, you should eat certain foods:
Fatty fish
Not only salmon, but also mackerel, herring and sardines are good dietary sources of vitamin D. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart disease.
Beef liver
100 g of beef liver contains about 48 IU of vitamin D.
Cod liver
Cod liver oil is not only a powerful source of an important vitamin, it helps prevent joint pain as well as cardiovascular problems.
They rank first in the list of non-animal vitamin D suppliers because they are rich in substance D2. In addition, mushrooms are low in fat and low in calories.
Signs of vitamin D deficiency
Signs of vitamin D deficiency include muscle weakness, body aches, fatigue, mood swings and depression, insomnia, headaches, predisposition to seasonal infections, and frequent colds.
The most effective way to detect the problem is a blood test to determine the level of vitamin D.
Source : Ukrgate
SEE MORE : These foods will help you get vitamin D in the absence of the sun