What can be dangerous sliced bread. Let’s understand together.
Agree, the current pace of life is difficult to call measured and calm, especially expensive every minute saved for the inhabitants of megacities. One of the marketing techniques that became widespread among buyers was the sale of sliced bread. We understood the advantages and disadvantages of this method,
Ukraine , Ukraingate , 13 , January , 2022 | Health
Of course, each buyer has their own preferences, everyone’s tastes are different, and for the sake of a favorite product, many agree to go the extra distance and pay a little more. Among the unconditional advantages of sliced bread is the ability not to waste extra time and do without a knife, which is especially pleasing when it is bought for picnics or feasts.
In addition, slicing is a great way out for lovers of toasts and busy moms, when the kids themselves have to make sandwiches. And packed bread is packed in a separate package, which minimizes its contact with bacteria at all stages, from bread production to the dinner table. However, the barrel of honey has its own spoon of tar.
Modern technologies for the production of bakery products are strikingly different from the ancient methods. Various additives and preservatives can be added to the dough to improve the taste and extend the shelf life. Note that even on breadcrumbs you can often see mold. So, to make homemade crackers, it is better to bake bread in the oven than to allow it to dry on its own.
No matter what kind of bread you prefer, both white and black mold in slicing much faster. In Europe, for example, bread is considered a perishable product and its shelf life is not days but hours. Storing it in the refrigerator is not the best idea.
First, it absorbs foreign odors, and secondly, the temperature from 0 to – 2 degrees promotes evaporation of moisture and stale bread. Therefore, it is better to take a small package, or store by the method of residents of hot countries – in the freezer. By the way, this method of storage is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to buy bread every day.
حسنًا ، إذا لم يتم تخزين الخبز لأكثر من يومين ، فيمكنك الاحتفاظ به تحت منشفة أو في كيس ورقي. لذلك لا تتعفن وليس لديها وقت لتجف. بالمناسبة ، يوجد الآن بديل لائق لهذه الطريقة – أكياس الخبز الخاصة. لديهم طبقات داخلية وخارجية من القطن ، وبينهم وسادة مثقبة “مسامية” من البولي إيثيلين.
Source : Ukrgate