Beekeepers told how to return honey to a liquid state without losing its useful properties. Any type of honey must harden within a year, ie crystallize.
If you love honey, you have probably already encountered the fact that your stocks of sweet treats over time turned from liquid to solid,
Ukraine , Ukraingate , 14 , January , 2022 | Health
Of course, honey can be easily returned to a liquid state, but how not to destroy the most valuable substances contained in it? The answer to this question is best known to those who produce honey, so let’s seek the advice of experienced beekeepers.
Crystallization of honey is not a defect, but a property
Crystallization (hardening) of honey is a completely natural phenomenon. So no defect, let alone a cause for criticism. However, regardless of the origin, any type of honey must harden within a year, ie crystallize. Crystallization is caused by microparticles (especially pollen and various crystals), which act as nuclei on which sugar crystals grow. So crystallized honey does not mean that the manufacturer deceived you and sold sugar instead of honey. By the way, it is worth noting that some types of honey crystallize quickly, and others – only after some time.
the most rapidly crystallize – meadow and spring flower honey, which contains the most glucose,
honey with a higher fructose content (for example, acacia honey) and honey with a high content of complex sugars (dark honey forest honey) crystallize more slowly.
How to properly dissolve honey
The classic way to heat honey is a water bath. The temperature should not exceed 50 degrees, as this is the only way to preserve the most valuable and useful parts of honey.
In addition to the classic water bath, you can also heat the honey in the oven with a thermostat. It is also important to set a minimum temperature, ie 50 degrees.
In winter, the jar can be placed, for example, on the radiator. And it is absolutely impractical to heat crystallized honey in a microwave oven. The method works, but the temperature is difficult to control.
Pasteurized honey does not need to be dissolved
Pasteurized honey is not as attractive in color as liquid, but it also contains all the substances that give honey a privileged state. Such honey crystallizes quickly, so the sugar crystals are smaller than usual. Pasteurized honey has a characteristic white color and a pasty consistency that does not change over time. It is very convenient to spread on bread, because it does not drip from the surface and does not stick to your fingers.
Source : Ukrgate