Does alcohol provoke cancer?
Genetic research has confirmed a direct causal link between alcohol consumption and cancer. The findings, in particular, link esophageal cancer and head and neck cancer with alcohol consumption .
Ukraine , Ukraingate , 4 , February , 2022 | Medicine
The study was conducted by scientists at Oxford University. Study participants conducted a series of surveys related to their alcohol use habits, and their medical history was traced for 10 years.
As a result, the researchers confirmed that those with low tolerance to ethyl alcohol consumed significantly less alcohol than participants without similar variants of the corresponding gene.
The researchers found that people with one or two copies of either of the two genetic variants had a 13-31% lower risk of developing cancer than others. In particular, cancer of the head and neck, esophagus, colon, rectum and liver, previously associated with alcohol consumption, was more common in those who drank more alcoholic beverages.
Researchers have also found another confirmation of this causal relationship. People who had at least one copy of the low-alcohol tolerance gene, but who still drank regularly, were significantly more likely to suffer from head and neck and esophageal cancer.
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Source: Ukrgate