How avocados help the brain stay young. Brain aging can be slowed down by eating avocados.
Age-related changes lead to disruption of the entire body, including the brain. Some people in older age face a number of cognitive impairments, for example – more difficult to remember information, perform habitual actions. Scientists from Tufts University suggest slowing down the aging of the brain by changing some eating habits, according to its publication Nature, Ukraine , Ukraingate , 23 , February , 2022 | Medicine .
In addition to regularly strengthening your health through exercise, researchers recommend adding a well-known fruit such as avocado to your brain to keep your brain young.
A study conducted by American scientists helped to determine that the use of avocados can significantly reduce the risk of developing cognitive diseases. For their study, the experts invited volunteers, one group of whom had to eat avocados daily for 6 months, and a control group of participants – to lead a normal life. The results of the study showed an increase in the body of participants from the first group of lutein levels associated with cognitive abilities, human memory.
“بالإضافة إلى اللوتين ، يحتوي الأفوكادو على ما يكفي من المغنيسيوم. ومن المعروف أن هذا العنصر النزيف ضروري لوظيفة الأوعية الدموية الطبيعية ، والتي تزود الدماغ بتدفق كافٍ للدم. تساعد أحماض أوميغا 3 الدهنية الموجودة في هذه الفاكهة في الحفاظ على صحة العقل وتقليله. خطر الإصابة ببعض الأمراض العصبية التنكسية ، بما في ذلك مرض الزهايمر ، “قال خبير التغذية تريست بست.
Source : Ukrgate