Ukraine Gate- Kyiv – April 9, 2022- The Public Prosecutor’s Office said on Telegram that more than 324 children were injured during the Russian aggression on the country, but the information is not complete because it is still gathering in the fighting areas and occupied and liberated areas.
According to the prosecutor, five children were killed in a Russian Tochka-U ballistic missile attack on a train station in Kramatorsk on Friday, and 16 children were injured.
A car driven by the Russians was also discovered near the town of Hostomel, where a family with an estimated 12-month-old baby was found.
The bodies of three people, tortured and burned, one of them a child, were found in Izium Rion.
According to the office, most of the victims were children in Donetsk (102), Kyiv (91), Kharkiv (76), Cherihiv (50), Mykolaiv (40), Luhansk (35), Zaporizhia (22), Cherson (29), Sumy regions. (16), Zhytomyr (15) and in the city of Kyiv (16).