Ukraine Gate – Kyiv – June 22, 2022- President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Telegram that Ukrainians honor the memory of the millions who died in World War II, on June 22 of each year, and this year due to Russian aggression, they are forced to fight for victory again.
He said: “On June 22 of every year, we celebrate the memory of everyone who died in World War II, we honor the memory of millions of lost lives and broken destinies, this should not happen again, but evil is back, on February 24 the occupiers arrived in our land And we are fighting for a new victory.
“No enemy will break our will,” the head of state said.
He called on Ukrainians to remember the victims of World War II and to believe in good, peace and justice, as June 22 is a day of mourning and commemoration for the victims of the war.