The majority of visitors to massage parlors are sure of the benefits of massage for medicinal purposes, which is not always true. Doctors are sure that under a number of conditions this procedure does not help, it can even harm a person.
The impact of the masseur’s hands on the skin, fiber, muscles and blood vessels is useful if the tissues are carefully prepared – warmed up, not spasmodic. The achievement of such an effect can be judged if there is no pain during the massage. Discomfort, on the other hand, signals potential harm to human health. The negative effect can also be traced if after the procedure there is a feeling of fatigueYou should not massage if a person suffers from allergies, has various neoplasms, fever, systemic blood diseases, a tendency to bruising and bleeding, as well as in difficult cases of hypertension and heart problems.
Another important factor that doctors remind of is the state of health during the procedure. At the slightest worsening of the condition, it is better to stop the session and tell the masseur and the attending physician.